Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Global Terrorism: Is "Islam" Really "The Problem"?

Hello brothers and sisters.

As I look at local, national and global events on the rampant rise of Islamic extremists you have committed horrible acts of violence to their fellow man, human-beings; it is clear the Devil, Satan has been using the false religion of Islam as a powerful force of evil to inflict carnage on God's precious creature: man.

That said, is "Islam" really "the problem"?

Now any discerning Christian is aware to th..e evils coming out of this false religion of man; but he/she does not let this become a focus point out of the big picture.

Something evil is pulling and distorting people's minds to carry out this evil; an empty "void" people are trying to fill, Satan is coaxing them into the deceitful LIES that Islam promises its followers that carry out "Jihad"...

Could Christ intercept?

I think so.

Whenever I am out evangelizing the lost on the streets I make "mental notes" of people who may practice and follow the false religion of Islam just to be "aware" of how many need Christ and how many the Devil is trying to lead astray and in some cases as has unfortunately been the case lead these "blinded people of darkness" into carrying out Satan's evil schemes.

One more new convert to Christ out of Islam is one less potential "minion" of the Devil.

Truly, the false religion of Islam has become a serious threat by people who use it to flat-out kill people who do not follow its FALSE ways calling them "unbelievers"...

At the same token, I observe the REACTIONS of those who have been the victims of killings by deranged followers of Islamic extremists.

A lot of ANGER and even HATE has been directed to the Muslim community as a result of the actions of deranged followers of Islamic extremists and THEIR false ideals of wealth, power and estate that even the false doctrine of Islam that mosques have been vandalized and burned as natural "retaliation" against "the thing" that has cost their loved ones lives taken from earth.

I can't express their sadness or anger but I definitely understand it.

Nonetheless, in regards to the CHRIST-ian community, the Church, any violent actions taken against the mosques because of a few deranged individuals (because the ones who committed the crimes can't be dealt with directly they resort to "taking it out" on the masses...), I ponder what the LORD JESUS CHRIST would say about our REACTION as a result? Do we do any better by attacking the "followers of Islam" than by SHOWING THEM and GOING OUT TO the followers of Islam with the TRUTH OF CHRIST?

We can go into darkness or we can step back really see it HOW GOD SEES IT and CHOOSE TO SHINE THE LIGHT!

We must remember GOD IS NOT US. WE ARE NOT GOD. As evil as people are and do GOD STILL LOVES THEM AND WANTS ALL MAN TO BE SAVED. The only exception to this rule is the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist.

From that foundation, we as CHRIST-ians should EXEMPLIFY CHRIST in showing HIM and HIS WORD in our conduct and daily comings-across with Muslims or those who identify with the false religion of Islam.

When I hear of such tragic killings I only see the DAMNED SOULS who DIED IN THEIR SINS with being BORN AGAIN of the HOLY GHOST of JESUS CHRIST. I do NOT see the "terrorists" because I already know they are CONDEMNED IN HELL FOREVER and unfortunately even the MURDERED VICTIMS!  

Whenever and wherever I am, I do my best to witness CHRIST to all people and perhaps unawaringly could come across people who could be radicalized to carry out mass genocides of humanity. Perhaps God will reach through to the people prone to kill innocent people...

Anywhere we are in the world we have to "patrol our own grounds" if you know what I mean; because we can sometimes have a part in preventing such evil from flaring up in our midst.

Lord Jesus foretold us how bad, ugly and evil it would be for people living in these Last Days but when He spoke He spoke with such matter-of-fact demeanor, assurance and calmness in His tone from what I could discern from reading His Scriptures...

We gotta be more DIRECT about EVANGELIZING the people of the false religion ISLAM and not misdirect our energy and anger against the PEOPLE instead of the PRINCIPALITY of DARKNESS! All this "talk" about Islam in the media who is being VERY VOCAL about CHRIST in all this!

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities and rulers of darkness in the world.

When it comes to (false) "religion" humanity is the same of any given group: either deceived and/or "going along with group consensus" as part of community.

Only the real "nutcases" of any social group carry out "extreme actions" against society; most people are just "going along" with what they know whether they truly believe in or not in the beliefs or values of any group. That is the common pattern of natural human social behaviour throughout man's history.

So no. "Islam" is not "the problem".

"The problem" is how people, especially my brethren in Christ, RESPOND to the EVIL in our MIDST. Any "retaliation" against Muslims by Christians is THE PROBLEM instead of THE SOLUTION.

The Solution is CHRIST and on our end our task is HOW WE GO ABOUT WITNESSING CHRIST THE "REAL GOD" to the Muslim community who worship their false god "Allah".

Christians: we NEED to REFRAME and NOT LASH BACK OUT. RESPOND and not "react"; that's the loser's tactic.

Let's USE the WORD OF GOD directly to the people. Let's SPEAK HIS WORD, lets interact with people we know are of false religions (in the case Islam) and lets see how GOD WILL WORK IN US TO GET TO THEM. God will surprise us with His Help as long as we INITIATE. I know this from personal experience seeing God work in me and the circumstances involving people when I just stepped out in faith and said "JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!" that caught someone or a group of people passing by as a surprise; a GOOD "surprise tactic" because it not only creates a pause of pondering to the hearer but also REMINDS them that LOVE EXISTS and is FOUND in the Source of JESUS CHRIST!


Think CHRIST, NOT man.

"What Would Jesus Do?" is ONLY what we go by. "What Does Jesus Think?" is ONLY what we go by. "How Does Jesus See The Terrorists And Perpetrators Of Evil Acts?"

We must remember God HATES the sin but he NEVER hates the sinner.

I'm no "terrorist sympathizer", I empathize for the victims. Their families and friends. Even the families and friends of the perpetrators of evil crimes who are often just as shocked and bewildered.

I'm certainly no "passive individual" who lets people walk all over me. God doesn't want us to be human "doormats to the Enemy; we are to be wise and strong SOLDIERS OF CHRIST; that means we KNOW HOW TO FIGHT AND WHEN. HOW TO SHIELD AND HOW TO STRIKE WITH THE SWORD (AKA "THE WORD OF GOD").

Soldiers are DISCIPLINED and TRAINED, NOT run-of-the-mill fighters out here on the battlefield running around of poor judgment, lack of experience, naïve combat tactics and mental, psychological, and physical WEAKNESS.

God calls us Christians SOLDIERS OF CHRIST: it is not simple "metaphor" of His Word it is LITERAL TRUTH. God expects us to have the DISCIPLINE of a SOLDIER for CHRIST. THAT'S HOW HIGH GOD'S STANDARDS ARE FOR HIS CHILDREN.

Now in reality many of us do not "match up" to be "soldiers of Christ" due to lack of ACTION. It's not our "performance" on the battlefield (i.e. evangelizing and winning souls to Christ in accordance to His Will for our lives) but our dedication to ACT on what HE HAS COMMANDED.

Why else is "spiritual warfare" even termed? It means there is a WAR GOING ON and that means in any war there are BATTLES to be FOUGHT and WON.

Now as individual soldiers scattered from the army (the Church) we all experience our own personal victories of battles WON FOR AND BY CHRIST but even still we FAIL SOME BATTLES but as SOLDIERS we rest assured than our Almighty General, LORD JESUS CHRIST will DESTROY His Adversary the Devil, SATAN and all those who go after God's Enemies...

(KJV) Ephesians 6 everyone. Code "(KJV) Ephesians 6".

There is (spiritual) war raging on nowadays like never before and it won't "slow down" apart from the working of God's Will and we must have OUR ARMOUR ON.

In this physical life "World War III" is passed around but that phrase will be truly minor to what's to come on the way to "Armageddon".


The Command is in His Word: WHO are those faithful servants of the LORD that will carry out His Command?

By His Grace, I want to be one of those faithful servants on the FRONTLINES of enemy fire!

Too many of my dear brothers and sisters take the "back end" and no hard feelings but...


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